Sunday 26 April 2015

Scholarship of University of Melbourne : Chancellor’s Scholars Program

Chancellor’s Scholars Program is an undergraduate scholarhsip scheme of University of Melbourne. This undergraduate scholarship program has started from 2012 with a vision to encourage those undergraduate students how are high achieving students and really work hard to reach their goals.  The students who will win this undergraduate scholarship award, will enjoy a wide range of benefits. There are enough support and opportunities for students who have won this undergraduate scholarship award to enhance their intelligence and develop themselves with fellow students, academic mentors and other programs like internship and training.

Benefit of this Scholarship:

From the point of view of over-all benefit, there are hundreds of benefit of this scholarship program. However, those benefits are not direct benefits. Here you’ll learn about the direct benefits of this undergraduate scholarship program. The first benefit of this undergraduate scholarship is money award. The second one is another money award which comes in terms of Global Scholars Award. Global Scholars Award is an award, you can consider it as an extra flavor with Chancellor’s Scholars Program. The Graduation Completion opportunity is guaranteed for the winners of this scholarship program. And there are internship opportunities too. So, in summary, the benefits of this undergraduate scholarship program are:
  1. Money award of $40,500. International students will enjoy more $10,000 extra cash
  2. Global Scholars Award worth $2,500 amount of money
  3. Guaranteed graduation opportunities
  4. Internship opportunities

Am I Eligible?

First thing first is, only undergraduate students are eligible for this scholarship. There are other scholarhsip opportunities for graduate students to help them in their graduate education degree program. But this one is solely for undergraduate students. To be considered as eligible, the following criterion must be met.
Scholarship of University of Melbourne Chancellor's Scholars Award
Eligibility must be met. Otherwise, your application for this scholarhsip will not be honored.

How to Apply:

Application process of this scholarhsip is manual. There is no opportunity of online application. Online application form sometimes leave heavy burden and load on the administration. There are many students who are no eligible and not even interested in University of Melbourne or higher education in Australia, but they put an online application form. That is why no online application form option is available for this scholarhsip. The application process is described below:
  • Go to the Financial Aid Department of the University
  • Submit and application for Chancellor’s Scholars Award and provide your eligibility profile with it.
  • You’ll be called back within 3-4 days with an Application Serial Number.
That’s it. This is how to apply for this scholarhsip. If you are selected for this scholarhsip, you’ll be notified via E-mail and post-mail. The Application Serial Number is what you needed to start receiving your awards once you are selected.
More Scholarship info:

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